课题组成员主持研究国家自然科学基金项目15项、其它省部级项目二十余项。课题组构建了全球首张铁皮石斛高密度遗传图谱,获得茎总多糖含量相关QTL位点,并利用这些QTL位点紧密连锁的分子标记辅助选育石斛良种;开发了药用植物多组学整合研究平台,通过对表型组、基因组、转录组、蛋白组和代谢组数据的整合分析,探究药用植物道地性和次生代谢及分子调控机制;运用蛋白组学和代谢组学方法对红豆杉茎干组织进行系统分析,证实了红豆杉茎干中紫杉醇在韧皮部特异性积累,并进一步揭示了紫杉醇生物合成的调控机制;完成了酸浆基因组测序工作,并解析了甾体化合物生物合成的遗传和调控机制;利用单细胞测序技术筛选并鉴定到红豆杉细胞群特异转录因子。课题组成员获“教育部科技进步一等奖”1项(名称:濒危珍稀中药铁皮石斛霍山石斛繁育技术及质量体系创建与推广应用);选育‘番红2号’新品种1个;授权发明专利29件,国际专利1件,软件著作权4件;在“Nature Communication”、“Plant Communication”、“New Phytologist”、“Plant Physiology”、“Horticulture Research”以及“中国科学”等国内外本学科主流刊物发表相关研究论文130余篇。
1. 浙产道地药材种质资源评价和利用;
2. 浙产道地药材分子育种;
3. 浙产道地药材药效成分遗传基础解析;
4. 浙产道地药材重要药效成分生物合成;
5. 雌雄异株植物根际微生物差异形成过程与调控机制;
6. 雌雄异株植物逆境胁迫下性别差异相应的生理过程与分子机制;
7. 雌雄异株植物次生代谢调控性别差异的形成过程及调控机制。
1. Wang, Xianzhong, Liwen Guan, Tianwen Wang, Liuhe Yu, Shuangle Wang, Biner He, Bin Tang, and Jiangjie Lu. Comparative Transcriptomics Revealed Physalis floridana Rydb. Influences on the Immune System of the 28-Spotted Ladybird Beetle (Henosepilachna Vigintioctopunctata). Plants 13, no. 19 (2024): 2711.
2. Wang, Xian-Zhong, Si-Jing Wan, Bin-Er He, Shuang-Le Wang, Tian-Wen Wang, Liu-He Yu, Shi-Gui Wang, Hui-Zhong Wang, Bin Tang, and Jiang-Jie Lu. Physalis floridana Suppresses the Expression of Trehalase Gene Hvtres in Henosepilachna Vigintioctopunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) for Defense against Herbivorous Insects." Journal of Pest Science (2024/08/10 2024).
3. Zhang, Siqi, Yuliang Han, Qinzong Zeng, Chenchang Wang, Huizhong Wang, Juncheng Zhang, Maohong Cai, Jiangjie Lu#, and Tao Chen. Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals the Global Molecular Responses and Nac Transcription Factors Involved in Drought Stress in Dendrobium Catenatum. Antioxidants 2024, 13(1): 94.
4. Hongshan Zhang, Kailin Hou, Xueshuang Liang, Wanting Lin, Ruoyun Ma, Yue Zang, Xiaori Zhan, Mingshuang Wang, Shangguo Feng, Qicai Ying, Bingsong Zheng, Huizhong Wang & Chenjia Shen. Sex-specific responses of Taxus mairei to UV-B radiation involved altering the interactions between the microbiota assembly and host secondary metabolism. Microbiome 12, 165 (2024).
5. Wenting Zhao, Xiazhen Lin, Yuting Wang, Qihang Yang, Miao Liu. Nitrogen level induces sex-specific cadmium phloem remobilization and cell wall segregation in Populus cathayana, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 890, 2023, 164184.
6. Guo, Q., Zhu, Y., Sun, F., Korpelainen, H., Niinemets, Ü., & Li, C. (2024). Male, female, and mixed-sex poplar plantations support divergent soil microbial communities. Global Change Biology, 30, e17198.
7. Shangguo Feng, Kaixin Zheng, Yadi Gao, Zhenhao Zhang, Yanyun Jin, Wanting Lin, Ruoyun Ma, Kailin Hou, Hongshan Zhang, Xueshuang Liang, Cheng Chen, Zhijing Wang, Xiaori Zhan, Qicai Ying, Huizhong Wang, Chenjia Shen. Molecular mechanism of cadmium stress response in a traditional herbal medicine Anoectochilus roxburghii,Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 205, 2023, 117398.
8. Xiaori Zhan, Hongshan Zhang, Xueshuang Liang, Hou Kailin, Wanting Lin, Ruoyun Ma, Tian Qiu, Cheng Chen, Zhijing Wang, Qicong Wu, Dan Mao, Yipin Ji, Xiao-lin Li, Chunna Yu, Mingshuang Wang, Shangguo Feng, Qicai Ying, Huizhong Wang, Chenjia Shen, Single-cell ATAC sequencing illuminates the cis-regulatory differentiation of taxol biosynthesis between leaf mesophyll and leaf epidermal cells in Taxus mairei, Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 205, 2023, 117411.
9. Yuanjing Zhu, Tingting Dong, Fangyuan Sun, Yuxin Xiao & Qingxue Guo. A sexual role in regulation of the assembly of bacterial and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Plant Soil 495, 567–581 (2024).
10. Zongdi Huang, Juntuan Zhai, Zhijun Li, Lei Yu. Populus euphratica has stronger regrowth ability than Populus pruinosa under salinity stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 176(2), e14297.
11. Miao Liu, Liyun Ye, Liangliang Chen, Helena Korpelainen, Ülo Niinemets, Chunyang Li. Sex-specific phosphorus acquisition strategies and cycling in dioecious Populus euphratica forests along a natural water availability gradient. Plant, Cell & Environment, 47, 3266–3281.
12. Yue Xi, Jing Zhang , Botao Fan, Miaomiao Sun, Wenqian Cao, Xiaotian Liu, Yunpeng Gai, Chenjia Shen, Huizhong Wang, Mingshuang Wang. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Potential Regulators of DMI Fungicide Resistance in the Citrus Postharvest Pathogen Penicillium digitatum. J. Fungi 2024, 10, 360.
13. Xiaori Zhan, Xueshuang Liang, Wanting Lin, Ruoyun Ma, Yue Zang, Huizhong Wang, Lilin Wang, Yanjun Yang, Chenjia Shen, Cell type specific regulation of phenolic acid and flavonoid metabolism in Taxus mairei leaves, Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 219, 2024, 118975.
14. Zedi Feng, Xiaoxia Ma, Xiaomei Wu, Wenyuan Wu, Bo Shen, Shaolei Li, Yinju Tang, JiaCen Wang, Chaogang Shao, Yijun Meng. Genome-wide identification of phasiRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana, and insights into biogenesis, temperature sensitivity, and organ specificity. Plant, Cell & Environment, 47, 3797–3812.
15. Qingxue Guo, Yuxin Xiao, Yuanjing Zhu, Helena Korpelainen, Chunyang Li,Selenium availability in tea: Unraveling the role of microbiota assembly and functions,Science of The Total Environment,Volume 952, 2024, 175995.
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