课题组成员主持研究国家自然科学基金项目9项、其它省部级项目十余项。揭示了CmUVR8等信号通路在介导UV-B等逆境因子诱导药用植物活性组分合成中的作用,解析了以MT等为关键节点调控逆境胁迫促进杭白菊活性组分积累的信号机制,建立以PC-410为靶点在不依赖逆境的情况下促进药用植物疗效品质形成的分子逆境仿生调控新技术,在药用植物资源学研究领域形成了明显的特色和优势。研究成果获得浙江省科技进步奖和省高校科技成果一等奖。在“Industrial Crops and Products”、 “Plant Cell & Environment”、 “Plant Physiology”以及“中国科学”等国内外本学科主流刊物发表相关研究论文70余篇。
1. 药用植物品质形成的环境调控机制
2. 促进药用植物活性组分积累的分子逆境仿生调控技术
3. 杭白菊、长春花次生代谢产物合成调控
4. 银杏黄酮合成调控机制
5. 果蔬保鲜新技术
1. Yang Y, Guo J, Cheng J, Jiang Z, Xu N, An X, Chen Z, Hao J, Yang S, Xu Z, Shen C, Xu M (2020). Identification of UV-B radiation responsive microRNAs and their target genes in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) using high-throughput sequencing. Industrial Crops and Products, 151, 112484.
2. Ni J, Dong L, Jiang Z, Yang X, Sun Z, Li J, Wu Y, Xu M (218).Salicylic acid-induced flavonoid accumulation in Ginkgo biloba leaves is dependent on red and far-red light. Industrial Crops and Products, 118: 102-110
3. Ni J, Ruan R, Wang L, Jiang Z, Gu X, Chen L, Xu M (2020). Functional and correlation analyses of dihydroflavonol-4-reductase genes indicate their roles in regulating anthocyanin changes in Ginkgo biloba. Industrial Crops and Products, 152, 112546.
4. Jiang Z, Xu M, Dong J, Zhu Y, Lou P, Han Y, Hao J, Yang Y, Ni J, Xu M (2022). UV-B pre-irradiation induces cold tolerance in tomato fruit by SlUVR8-mediated upregulation of SOD and CAT. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 185, 111777
5. Hao J, Lou P, Han Y, Zheng L, Lu J, Chen Z, Ni J, Yang Y, Xu M (2022). Ultraviolet-B irradiation increases antioxidant capacity of pakchoi (Brassica rapa L.) by inducing flavonoid biosynthesis. Plants (Basel) 11(6), 766.
6. Hao J, Lou P, Han Y, Chen Z, Chen J, Ni J, Yang Y, Jiang Z, Xu M (2021). GrTCP11, a cotton TCP transcription factor, inhibits root hair elongation by down-regulating jasmonic acid pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 769675.
7. Ni J, Zhang N, Zhan Y, Ding K, Qi P, Wang X, Ding W, Xu M (2022).. Transgenic tobacco plant overexpressing ginkgo dihydroflavonol 4-reductase gene GbDFR6 exhibits multiple developmental defects. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 1066736.
8. Yang Y, Yang X, Guo J, Jiang Z, Chen Z, Hao J, Li J, Luo X, Jin W, Wu Y, Shi X, Xu M (2018). UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 from Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat (CmUVR8) plays important roles in UV-B signal transduction and UV-B-induced accumulation of flavonoid, Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 955.
9. Yang Y,Jiang Z, Guo J, Yang X, Xu N,Chen Z,Hao J,Li J,Pang J,Shen C,Xu M (2018).Transcriptomic analyses of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat under UV-B radiation treatment reveal variations in the metabolisms associated with bioactive components,Industrial Crops and Products, 124: 475-486.
10. Wang Z, Zhou X, Dong L, Guo J, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Wu L, Xu M (2018). iTRAQ-based analysis of the Arabidopsis proteome reveals insights into the potential mechanisms of anthocyanin accumulation regulation in response to phosphate deficiency,Journal of Proteomics, 184: 39-53.
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