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2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,MYB-bHLH复合体调控红豆杉韧皮部紫杉烷类合成的机制研究,2023.01~2026.12。
1. Chunna Yu, Xiujun Luo, Xiaori Zhan et al, Comparative metabolomics reveals the metabolic variations between two endangered Taxus species (T. fuana and T. yunnanensis) in the Himalayas, BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18(1): 197.
2. Chunna Yu, Xiujun Luo, Chengchao Zhang et al, Tissue‐specific study across the stem of Taxus media identifies a phloem‐specific TmMYB3 involved in the transcriptional regulation of paclitaxel biosynthesis, Plant Journal, 2020, 103(1): 95-110.
3. Chunna Yu, Chengchao Zhang, Xinyun Xu et al, Omic analysis of the endangered Taxaceae species Pseudotaxus chienii revealed the differences in taxol biosynthesis pathway between Pseudotaxus and Taxus yunnanensis trees, BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21(1): 104.
4. Chunna Yu, Xiaori Zhan, Chengchao Zhang et al, Comparative metabolomic analyses revealed the differential accumulation of taxoids, flavonoids and hormones among six Taxaceae trees, Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 285(1): 110196.
5. Chunna Yu, Jiefang Huang, Qicong Wu et al, Role of female-predominant MYB39-bHLH13 complex in sexually dimorphic accumulation of taxol in Taxus media, Horticulture Research, 2022, 9(1): 1-13.
6. Chunna Yu, Kailin Hou, Hongshan Zhang et al, Integrated mass spectrometry imaging and single-cell transcriptome atlas strategies provide novel insights into taxoid biosynthesis and transport in Taxus mairei stems, Plant Journal, 2023, 115(5): 1243-1260.
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