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2012.9 – 至今   杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院 副研究员

2016.9 – 2017.6 格里菲斯大学 访问学者

2011.6 – 2012.9 杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院 助理研究员

2009.9 – 2011.6 浙江大学生命科学学院生物学博士后流动站


2006.9 – 2009.7 南京师范大学动物学博士

2003.9 – 2006.7 杭州师范大学动物学硕士

1999.9 – 2003.7 杭州师范大学本科


1. 以中国石龙子为模型动物研究蜥蜴母体抚育行为的进化成因,国家自然科学基金,项目编号316703992017-2020,主持

2. 红耳龟氧传输-代谢补偿反应与热激蛋白表达调控及其在入侵扩散中的作用,浙江省自然科学基金,项目编号LY15C0300062015-2017,主持

3. 北草蜥岛屿种群个体大小进化与生活史反应模变异,国家自然科学基金,项目编号311002752012-2014,主持

4. 黄喉拟水龟性别决定过程中的母体效应及其适应意义,浙江省自然科学基金,项目编号Y31102762011-2012,主持

5. 中华鳖嗜水气单胞菌亚单位疫苗的开发及其应用,浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目,项目编号2012C220602012-2014,主持


7. 中国沙蜥运动能力的进化及其对荒漠环境的适应,中国博士后科学基金项目,项目编号201004814262010-2011,主持

8. 中国石龙子对栖息生境小气候的表型反应,浙江省教育厅科研项目,项目编号Y2009087232010-2011,主持




12. 中华鳖诱导型热激蛋白70的表达调控及其在耐热中的作用,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号312003102013-2015,参与,排名第二

13. 千岛湖鸟类和两栖类对栖息地片段化的敏感特征研究,#31100394,国家自然科学基金,2012-2014,参与,排名第二

14. 热激蛋白在石龙子科蜥蜴热适应中的作用,浙江省自然科学基金,项目编号Q12C0300162012-2014,参与,排名第二

15. 中华鳖抗白点病亚单位疫苗的开发与应用,杭州市科技局产学研合作项目, 2013-2014,参与,排名第三



[1]   Lu HL, Xu CX, Jin YT, Hero JM, Du WG. 2018. Proximate causes of altitudinal differences in body size in an agamid lizard. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 645–654. (SCI)

[2]   Wu Q, Dang W, Hu YC, Lu HL. 2018. Altitude influences thermal ecology and thermal sensitivity of locomotor performance in a toad-headed lizard. Journal of Thermal Biology, 71: 136–141. (SCI)

[3]   Dang W, Xu N, Zhang W, Gao J, Fan HD. Lu HL. 2018. Differential regulation of Hsp70 expression in six lizard species under normal and high environmental temperatures. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, doi: org/10.17582/journal.pjz/2018.50 (SCI)

[4]   Dang W, Lu HL(共同一作), Wu Q, Gao Y, Qi QQ, Fan HD. 2018. Comparative transcriptional profiling analysis of the effect of heat waves during embryo incubation on the hatchlings of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Ecology and Evolution, 00:1–11. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3850 (SCI)

[5]   Geng M, Dang W, Wu Q, Lu HL. 2018. Thermal tolerance for two cohorts of a native and an invasive freshwater turtle species. Acta Herpetologica, 13. doi: 10.13128/Acta_Herpetol-20887. (SCI)

[6]  Lu HL, Wu Q, Geng J, Dang W. 2016. Swimming performance and thermal resistance of juvenile and adult newts acclimated to different temperatures. Acta Herpetologica, 11: 113–119. (SCI)

[7]  Lu HL, Du Y, Lin CX, Ji X. 2016. The effect of speed on the hindlimb kinematics of the reeves’ butterfly lizard, Leiolepis reevesii (Agamidae). Asian Herpetological Research, 7: 191–199. (SCI)

[8] Xu CX, Dang W, Luo LG, Lu HL. 2015. Aquatic and terrestrial locomotor performance of juvenile three-keeled pond turtles acclimated to different temperatures. Animal Biology, 65: 257–269. (SCI)

[9]  Xu W, Dang W, Geng J, Lu HL. 2015. Thermal preference, thermal resistance, and metabolic rate of juvenile Chinese pond turtles Mauremys reevesii acclimated to different temperatures. Journal of Thermal Biology, 53: 119–124. (SCI)

[10] Guo K, Ding GH, Sun YY, Lu HL. 2015. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the northern grass lizard, Takydromus septentrionalis (Squamata: Lacertidae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7: 583–584. (SCI)

[11] Lu HL, Jiang CQ, Ji X. 2015. Locomotor costs of pregnancy in a viviparous toad-headed lizard, Phrynocephalus vlangalii (Agamidae). Herpetological Journal, 25: 149–154. (SCI)

[12] Lu HL, Lin ZH, Li H, Ji X. 2014. Geographic variation in hatchling size in an oviparous skink: effects of maternal investment and incubation thermal environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 113: 283–296. (SCI)

[13]  Xu CX, Xu W, Lu HL. 2014. Compensatory growth responses to food restriction in the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle, Chinemys reevesii. SpringerPlus, 3:687. (SCI)

[14] Lu HL, Wang Y, Tang WQ, Du WG. 2013. Experimental evaluation of reproductive response to climate warming in an oviparous skink. Integrative Zoology, 8: 175–183. (SCI)

[15] Lu HL, Ji X, Du WG. 2013. Tail loss reduces locomotor ability but not metabolic rate in a viviparous skink, Sphenomorphus indicus. Animal Biology, 63:369–380. (SCI)

[16] Wu MX, Hu LJ, Dang W, Lu HL, Du WG. 2013. Effect of thermal acclimation on thermal preference, resistance and locomotor performance of hatchling soft-shelled turtle. Current Zoology, 59: 718–724. (SCI)

[17] Lu HL, Gao JF, Ma XH, Lin ZH, Ji X. 2012. Tail loss affects fecundity but not offspring traits in the Chinese skink Eumeces chinensis. Current Zoology, 58: 228–235. (SCI)

[18] Lu HL, Ding GH, Ding P, Ji X. 2010. Tail autotomy plays no important role in influencing locomotor performance and anti-predator behavior in a cursorial gecko. Ethology, 116: 627–634. (SCI)

[19]  Lu HL, Hu RB, Ji X. 2009. The variance of incubation temperatures does not affect the phenotype of hatchlings in a colubrid snake, Xenochrophis piscator. Journal of Thermal Biology, 34: 138-143. (SCI)

[20] Lu HL, Hu RB, Ji X. 2009. Embryonic growth and mobilization of energy and material during incubation in the checkered keelback snake, Xenochrophis piscator. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 152: 214-218. (SCI)

[21]Lu HL, Ji X, Lin LH, Zhang L. 2006. Relatively low upper threshold temperature in lizards from cool habitats. Journal of Thermal Biology, 31: 256-261. (SCI)

[22] Dang W, Lu HL, Gao Y, Xu N, Qu TT, Liu YH. 2015. Molecular analysis of inducible Heat shock protein 70 of Pelodiscus sinensis and its effects during pathogen (Aeromonas hydrophila) infection. Aquaculture, 442: 93–99. (SCI)

[23]Fan TQ, Fu TL, Zhang YX, Lu HL, Zhu CN, Sun S, Li H. 2015. Polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Chinese skink, Plestiodon chinensis (squamata: scincidae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7: 573–574. (SCI)

[24] Zhao B, Chen Y, Lu HL, Zeng ZG, Du WG. 2015. Latitudinal differences in temperature effects on the embryonic development and hatchling phenotypes of the Asian yellow pond turtle, Mauremys mutica. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 114: 35–43. (SCI)

[25] Qu YF, Lu HL, Li H, Ji X. 2014. Incubation temperature fluctuation does not affect incubation length and hatchling phenotype in the Chinese skink Plestiodon chinensis. Journal of Thermal Biology, 46: 10–15. (SCI)

[26]Wang Z, Lu HL, Ma L, Ji X. 2014. Viviparity in highaltitude Phrynocephalus lizards is adaptive because embryos cannot fully develop without maternal thermoregulation. Oecologia, 174: 639–649. (SCI)

[27] Qu YF, Zhao Q, Lu HL, Ji X. 2014. Population dynamics following the last glacial maximum in two sympatric lizards in northern China. Asian Herpetological Research, 5: 213–227. (SCI)

[28] Wang Z, Lu HL, Ma L, Ji X. 2013. Differences in thermal preference and tolerance among three Phrynocephalus lizards (Agamidae) with different body sizes and habitat use. Asian Herpetological Research, 4: 214–220. (SCI)

[29] Pan ZC, Ji X, Lu HL, Ma XM. 2005. Influence of food type on specific dynamic action of the Chinese skink, Eumeces chinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 140: 151-155. (SCI)

[30] Pan ZC, Ji X, Lu HL, Ma XM. 2005. Metabolic response to feeding in the Chinese striped-necked turtle, Ocadia sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 141: 470-475. (SCI)

[31] Ji X, Lin LH, Luo LG, Lu HL, Gao JF, Han J. 2006. Gestation temperature affects sexual phenotype, morphology, locomotor performance and growth of neonatal brown forest skink, Sphenomorphus indicus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 88: 453-463. (SCI)

[32] Lin LH, Ji X, Lu HL, Luo LG. 2005. Variation in body temperature as a consequence of the response to heating lights under a light-dark cycle in the Chinese cobra, Naja atra. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 51: 38-45.

[33] 陆洪良, 耿军, 徐卫, 平骏, 张永普. 2017. 东方蝾螈幼体热耐受性和游泳表现的热驯化响应. 生态学报, 37:

[34] 吴美仙, 赵波, 张文, 陆洪良. 2014. 孵化温度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育和幼体特征的影响. 生态学报, 34: 5398–5404.

[35]林植华, 樊晓丽, 陆洪良, 罗来高, 计翔. 2010. 断尾对蓝尾石龙子能量储存和运动表现的影响. 生态学报 30: 2541-2548.

[36] 徐大德, 计翔,陆洪良, 林植华. 2009. 体温、摄食、断尾和雌体繁殖状态对原尾蜥虎运动表现的影响 生态学报 29: 1745-1755.

[37] 徐大德, 安虹,陆洪良, 计翔. 2007. 原尾蜥虎的选择体温、热耐受性和食物同化的热依赖性 动物学报 53: 959-965.

[38] 潘志崇, 计翔, 陆洪良. 2004. 食物类型对红耳滑龟幼体摄食特殊热动力作用的影响 动物学报 50: 459-463.



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